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A foray into the fanciful. Gladys Boalt has created eleven fanciful fairies of great charm and fragile beauty. True, she means them to delight our eye, but there’s more to this realm than one might imagine. Our language is filled with forgotten references to these Celtic myths (if, indeed, they are myths). Try these words: “glamour”. “pixilated”, “stroke”. We know and use these words today, but they began another way. In Faeryland, “glamour” is a major item. It is an enchantment thrown over human senses by fairies so that things are perceived, not as they really are, but as the enchanter wishes. Just remember, though, the power of glamour may be broken by...a four-leafed clover. Pixies, in Celtic myth, have a nasty habit of misleading travelers. The slang English word “pixilated” (confused), was originally “pixy-led”, certainly a way to confusion. Happily for us, it’s not too tough to recognize pixies. They are red-headed, with pointed ears, turned up noses and short faces. Green is their color. They like to steal horses at night and ride them around in circles (So, equestrians beware!) Elves are mischievous and volatile. In various cultures they were supposed to cause injuries by the use of elf-arrows or elf-strokes. This last is the source of our word “stroke” to describe a sudden paralytic seizure. Brownies, on the other hand, are very nice to have around. They come out at night and finish all the work we haven’t done during the day. If one of these folk attaches itself to your household, you’re in great shape. And all they want is a bowl of milk left out at night, and sometimes, a piece of cake. But don’t try to watch them or they’ll go away and never return.